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At Troyer's we do our very best, every day, to assist our customers with their needs. Our sales and support is available to answer questions and take care of most requests quickly and professionally. We strive to be the best in customer service and hope if you are new to Troyer's you will give us an opportunity to service your needs. If you are a returning customer we appreciate your commitment to us and look forward to continued development of our relationship.
Featured Customer:
St. Clair’s Butcher Shoppe & Delicatessen opens in South Bend by Mary Shown South Bend Tribune
Working with Goshen-based Troyer Foods, St. Clair’s takes the locally-sourced meat and offers specialty cuts like New York strip, filet, ribeye and ribs. It also prepares its own blend of steak burgers, seasoned sausage blends like chorizo and pineapple teriyaki and a variety of cased sausages like Polish, Italian and German style. Special orders like prime rib and ribeye are also available, with butchers dressed in black tie with pinstripe aprons and fedora hats ready to advise how to properly season and cook the meat.
Read the Full story here.