Market Segments

If you would like to know if Stanz Foodservice delivers to your area, or would like more information about becoming a Stanz customer, please send us a message HERE.


While the chains have played a big role in the growth of food service in recent years, we cannot forget where our roots are. The independent restaurant is why food service distributors evolved in the first place. We celebrate their existence and encourage their success by partnering with them and offering the needed services and quality products, from one independent to another, we get it.


The chains have played a big role in the growth of food service in recent years. We have the cost cutting approaches needed to provide for your needs with the products that you want to use in your operation. We have a model to fit your requirements. Let us show you how.


Top quality, local supply, superior service, pass through value commodity program, rebate tracking, promotions, annual School Food Service Exposition, nutritional database, school food service specialists, and a focused and customer oriented school customer service team are just a few of the benefits you get when you partner with Stanz.